Saturday, October 18, 2008

Christchurch Past & Present #7 Sumner by Tram

At the turn of the last century, residents of Christchurch would seek an escape from the city to the seaside suburb of Sumner to enjoy the surf and sea breezes, a dip in the ocean, a walk along the beach, with a cup of tea or an ice cream at the tearooms before catching the late afternoon tram back into the city. Click on pics for larger image.

Nine car steam tram excursion about to leave Cathedral Square in central Christchurch for Sumner, circa 1909.

Holiday Excursion by Steam Tram to Sumner. Shag Rock, Rapanui, far right background, 1908.

Donkey Rides on Sumner Beach, 1907. Today the donkeys might not meet environmental & hygiene standards

Home again on the late afternoon tram - this time by electric tram, circa 1910.

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